If you’re thinking of selling your business, please call for a confidential, no-obligation chat. Learn more about the process and what you need to have organised to prepare your business for sale. Even if you haven’t 100% decided to sell your business, this is an excellent exercise for business owners to go through. Laurent can help you determine whether or not the time is right.
Meet Confidentially.
Either at Laurent’s office or at a location convenient to you. The sales process will be thoroughly explained, along with the marketing techniques to be employed and costs. Any initial questions or concerns you may have can be discussed. Laurent will advise what information he will need to appraise your business.
To work out the potential market value, several appraisal techniques will be used to find the best one that suits your business. These techniques consider; stock value, asset value, financial history, financial projections and historic business statistics from sales within the same sector. To work out the potential market value, several appraisal techniques will be used to find the best one that suits your business. These techniques consider; stock value, asset value, financial history, financial projections and historic business statistics from sales within the same sector.
Once our Business Standard Agency Agreement is signed, Laurent can get to work preparing the documentation needed to sell your business. Laurent needs to understand the intricacies of your business – to sell it, he needs to know it. A comprehensive Information Memorandum to market your business can then be compiled and forwarded to qualified, serious buyers later in the process.
An advert is written highlighting the attributes of your business. Confidentiality is assured by avoiding disclosing too much information. An intensive marketing campaign begins and any interested parties submit a Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) if they’d like to learn more about your business. Once Laurent has qualified/vetted the buyers for you they will receive the Memorandum. Laurent will facilitate meetings between the business owner and any potential buyers.
Attracting more than one buyer to the table is key to achieving the best possible price. Laurent specialises in controlling this process to ensure buyer interest peaks at the same time to encourage a multi-offer situation. With years of experience across a broad spectrum of the market, Laurent has often had to think outside of the box to structure a deal that works for both you the business owner and the buyer.
Due Diligence.
Once an offer is accepted and a Sales & Purchase Agreement signed, there is a set period for due diligence and any other conditions detailed within the Agreement to be met. This is a crucial part of the process and a time when the buyer needs to feel secure in the knowledge they are making the right investment. Laurent makes it a priority to help both the business owner and buyer, providing constant support, advice and assistance every step of the way.
Congratulations! The deal is nearly done! Even though all the terms and conditions of the Agreement have been met and the sale of your business has gone unconditional, there is still more work to do. Laurent will give both you and the buyer all the support and additional information needed to ensure a smooth settlement and a done deal!
For a confidential and no-obligation FREE APPRAISAL, to discuss selling
or enquire about a business – please don’t hesitate, get in touch today!
754 777 2548 or 8663 4840